“Share knowledge globally, build competence locally“
EEG and MEG methods
multi-hub meeting
16-19 October 2023
What? CuttingGardens is a distributed conference on cutting-edge methods for M/EEG data analysis. It happens simultaneously in several locations (aka. Gardens) across the world, with a common global program, broadcasted to all locations, and local programs made of talks, tutorials, posters, social events, satellites… as each Garden (optionally) sees fit. CuttingGardens is part of the CuttingEEG conference series.
When? October 16th – October 19th, 2023
How? Each Garden runs independently with some support from the global organization. Gardens offer different types of activities (talks, tutorials, etc.…), each of which earns the Garden a “Badge” (See Gardeners’ page).
Where? Everywhere! We have Gardens spread around the world. Get in touch and tell us where you are from so we can help you organize, and synchronize with neighboring Gardens (if any).
- Would you like to plan(t) your own Garden and be part of this unique event? Jump to the Gardeners’ section!
- Otherwise, you can look for the nearest Garden below and save the date! More information about registration to come in the spring.

Closer location, so speakers and participants travel costs are reduced (sometimes to zero)

Shorter distances means less CO2-intensive travels (e.g. by plane)

Global broadcasting and local venues breaks distance and language barriers.
What was on the menu?
All gardens share a common synchrounous global program.

Gardens at a glance