Dundee, Scotland, UK

The Dundee Garden is organized by the Psychology Division of the University of Dundee. Our programme showcases local EEG research across a range of topics against the seaside backdrop of the sunniest city in Scotland. The Dundee Garden is an in-person event with added live-streaming of the global CuttingEEG programme.
#EEG, #AnalysisToolboxes, #GoodPractices
Featured Speakers /Teachers
Philipp Ruhnau, Robin Ince, Anastasia Klimovich-Gray, Tanya Atanasova
FieldTrip for beginners, Mutual Information/Population Prevalence, MNE Python for beginners, EEG Microstates
Local Program
Local program
Global - Plenary lecture
Local - Lectures
Local - Tutorials
Local - Social Events
Local - Food / Posters
Local - Satellite Event
Program details
11:30 Welcome desk opens
13:00 Welcome/Introduction
13:30 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 1
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 2
16:30 Symposium 1/ Open talks
17:30 Dundee Law walk (weather permits) / Welcome drinks
09:00 Fieldtrip tutorial (Dr Philipp Ruhnau, UCLan)
10:15 Coffee break
11:30 Poster session 1 / Lunch
13:30 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 1
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 2
16:30 Symposium 2/ Open talks
17:30 Finish
09:00 MNE python tutorial (Dr Anastasia Klimovich-Gray, U Aberdeen)
10:15 Coffee break
11:30 Poster session 2 / Lunch
13:30 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 1
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 2
16:30 Symposium 3/Open talks
17:30 Finish
09:00 Mutual Info / tutorial (Dr Robin Ince, U Glasgow)
10:15 Coffee break
11:30 SCONe symposium
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 1
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Central keynotes (livestream) – part 2
16:30 Farewell
Local Speakers/Teachers

Register for the Dundee Garden

Step 1 – Optional: Submit a poster, talk or symposium suggestion using this link. You can do so without registering first.
Step 2 – Mandatory: Become a member of the CuttingEEG association (Fee: 50.00 EUR). This will also give you a code that you need to register.
Step 3 – Mandatory: Rank your tutorial preferences on our Dundee registration form. You will need to supply your unique CuttingEEG transaction ID during this process.
Step 4 – Mandatory: Pay the conference fees for the Dundee garden via the University’s online shop.
Important dates
· 13 Sep – abstract submission for poster and symposia closes
· 15 Sep – notification of acceptance for posters and symposia
· 29 Sep – conference registration closes
Registration Fee
· You can opt-in to the conference social (Wed, 18 Oct, 7pm) for an additional 40.00 GBP
· Register for the Dundee garden via the University of Dundee online store here (see step 4 in ‘Instructions’). You will need to provide your unique CuttingEEG “transaction ID” in the process.
Venue – How to reach the Dundee Garden

The event will be hosted by members of the Psychology division of the University of Dundee. For the conference, we have secured an exceptionally nice venue in close vicinity to the University, and to the Dundee city centre, as well as local accommodation and other amenities – the DCA.
Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) is an internationally renowned centre for contemporary art and registered charity that enables audiences, artists and participants to see, experience and create. With two beautiful large-scale gallery spaces, two thriving cinema screens, a busy print studio, an award-winning learning programme, and a packed programme of events, workshops, classes and activities aimed at all ages and abilities, DCA is a vibrant cultural hub open to all, located in the heart of the city.
All conference spaces at the DCA are fully accessible – more information here.
Arrival and Stay in Dundee
Dundee can be easily reached by TRAIN. We highly recommend this means of transportation, in accordance with the philosophy behind a multi-hub event. Full details of how to reach the University of Dundee campus
There are many affordable hotels within walking distance of the University of Dundee campus. Please see here for an up-to-date list of hotels close to the campus and some slightly further afield:
Contact the Dundee team
Tanja Atanasova
Bryony Buck